How to Roast Your Own Coffee in a Few Easy Steps

How to Roast Your Own Coffee in a Few Easy Steps

For years, the concept of roasting the coffee beans has been maintained a secret by the coffee roasting industry. Well, in the current time, the truth is out, and it is simple, entertaining, and economical as well as it can be done in various ways using items you probably already acknowledge. Nothing is more pleasing than a great cup of coffee that has been freshly roasted, ground, and brewed to perfection. There are an increasing number of people who are roasting their coffee beans and enjoying the benefits of really fresh coffee at approximately one-third of the cost of beans from your regional coffee store. All that is required to roast your coffee beans at home is green coffee beans which are available from numerous sources, a metal colander, cookie sheet, oven mitt, and a wooden scoop. Here we are explaining a few simple and easy steps to roast your own coffee at home. Take a look:


Buy unroasted good green coffee beans

You will first need to choose a needed amount of raw coffee beans, which look like smaller greener versions of their completely roasted selves. But do not try to taste one, because they are tough as a rock and you might break a tooth. If you know about a local coffee spot that roasts its own beans, then you may have a chance to achieve some there. Otherwise, there is a wide range of reliable online options. When ordering, you need to keep in mind that while the beans will expand in size as they are roasted, they will also decrease about half their weight. So, if you want to end up with some roasted beans, you can buy more raw coffee beans.  


Get the equipment and prepare 

Many commercial coffee firms use huge industrial roasters to spin out lots and lots of the good coffee stuff. But now you do not need to go out and purchase any remotely costly tools to turn out small packs at home.   If you do not have a popper spreading around, you can also choose a Whirley-pop, cast-iron skillet, or even a metal mixing bowl and a heat gun. You may want to set aside a pair of metal bowls, a pair of gloves or oven gloves, and an unbending spoon long enough to mix the beans while in the popper.


Start roasting coffee beans 

Apart from the freshness, one more great benefit to roasting your beans is that you have full command over the excellence of the taste and level of caffeine. Once you have left the raw coffee beans in your heating tool, watch the warmth and movement. As you observe, the coffee beans slowly start to transform the color from green to yellow, and finally to light brown. This is the time when you should perk up your ears to listen to them break, a sound quite similar to popcorn popping. If you are making the use of a popcorn popper, make sure the chaff should increase and out the fixture on its own. But if you are using any other heating method, then you can simply blow it off the lid.


Pull the coffee beans out once they are dark sufficiently

If you prefer your coffee very light, you may want to stop the roasting process at this stage. Or, if you like it darker, you can hang on a few more moments until you get a Viennese or French roast. Make sure, you do not wait until it looks black. It will taste awful and you risk creating a mess in the machine. 


Leave to cool  down the beans

When you are satisfied and happy with the roasting level, it is the right moment to pull out the beans and let them cool for a few hours. It is completely up to you how to manage it, whether you can choose to lay them out on a cookie sheet or jury-rig a metal grate, or use a box fan. The beans will be quite hot, so be mindful not to burn your face off. 


Start the brewing process 

When it is nice and cool completely, you can move the batch to an airtight container. Make sure you do not seal the top completely for a day, since it may burst as the beans slow off-gas carbon dioxide. You will have to wait about as long to grind and brew the beans as possible and use them within the five next days for maximum freshness, and completely welcome your next-level coffee. 


Roasting the beans at home is one of the fastest-growing hobbies in the world and for good reason. It is entertaining, comfortable, saves you money, and produces a cup of coffee like you never assumed was likely. Hope the above steps will help you. 

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